SmithBits TalkRadio

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Shoshana Zuboff – Surveillance Capitalism

Alternative Radio

[AR Upcoming] Shoshana Zuboff – Surveillance Capitalism

To: All Stations/Program Directors
Fr: David Barsamian/via Distribution
Dt: March 21, 2019
Re: Alternative Radio: Surveillance Capitalism
Surveillance Capitalism is a global architecture of behavior modification which poses profound threats to society. It was invented at Google, duplicated at Facebook, and has moved almost seamlessly into virtually every economic sector. Vast wealth is accumulated in an ominous new economic order where predictions of our behavior are bought and sold. Surveillance Capitalism has ominous consequences for democracy and humanity in the 21st century. It is based on extreme inequalities of knowledge and power. It claims human experience as a free source of raw material and challenges our autonomy and social solidarity. Our minds are being mined and harvested for data and are being fundamentally changed in the process. Surveillance Capitalism is a business model that Shoshana Zuboff says seeks growth by cataloguing our “every move, emotion, utterance and desire.”
Shoshana Zuboff is professor emerita at the Harvard Business School. She is the author of In the Age of the Smart Machine and The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.
Feed Date & Time: Tuesday, March 26, 1400-1459ET 
Terms: Free of Charge to All Stations

Phone: (303) 473-0972

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