SmithBits TalkRadio

Saturday, March 23, 2019

El Desallado

promo packshot
Artist: El Desallado
Title: Flaying
Genre: Stoner / Sludge / Doom
Country: Mexico
Label: Indie
Release Date: Mar 15

Flaying is the result of a series of improvisation sessions in the room of an old house north of Mexico City. With time and work they became the 5 tracks of this first studio cut.

The homonymous EP of the band is a relation between the Mexican ancestral culture, science fiction, the low and dark frequencies of the strings and the slow and deep rhythms of the drums.

Band Members
Vox - Erick
Bass - Zip Pax
Drums - Ix Caban
Guitar - Fabian

All tracks were recorded in one shot with the voice added later in the same session.

released March 15, 2019 Recorded, mixed and mastered by KB at Testa Estudio. Leon, Gto. Mexico. October 2018. Recorded, mixed and mastered by KB at Testa Estudio. Leon, Gto. Mexico. October 2018. Skinning: Ix Cabán - Drums Zip Pax - Bass Erick Valtierra. - Vocals Fabián R. - Guitar Art work - Oh Fetush ​

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